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The Wine Bottega


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We are a tiny shop, tucked away in one of the oldest neighborhoods in Boston. Sometimes we say we’re like the Millennium Falcon: not shiny or new, no bells or whistles, unconventional and one of a kind but packing a punch exactly the way you need it to. We’re insatiable geeks who take wine seriously, but not ourselves. We’re as ready to talk about the soil composition of the Alto Piedmonte as we are to sell you finger puppets or debate which Star Trek series was the best. We believe that natural wine is not only the right thing to do, but the rad-as-hell thing to drink. When natural wine is good, it is freakin’ amazing. So since late 2016, The Wine Bottega is wholly a natural wine shop and the first all natural wine shop in MA.
341 Hanover Street
Boston , 02113
United States
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