Towards the event in Tokyo : Isabelle Legeron on Her Passion for Natural Wine The English version of the article is located at the end of the Japanese article. フランス人女性で初のマスター オブ ワインを取得した、ロンドン在住の著名なナチュラルワインの専門家、イザベル・レジュロン。オーガニックワインやビオディナミワインなどのナチュラルワインの生産者を、業界関係者や消費者と繋ぐ世界最大の見本市ブランド「RAW WINE(ロウ・ワイン)」の創始者だ。過去には、有名レストランや高級リゾートなどのワインリストの監修のほか、トラベル・チャンネルでワインにまつわる旅番組のホストも務めていたこともある。 イザベルは、コニャック地方のワイン農家出身で、ナチュラルワインを広める活動は、祖父母が行ってきた農法や醸造法へのオマージュでもあるそう。農薬や機械を取り入れた工業化の流れにのっていた当時、

An Interview with Bichi Winery’s Noel Téllez
By Verve Wine owner Dustin Wilson Dustin Wilson: Bichi is a young winery, planting your home vineyard in 2004 and bottling your first vintage in 2014. During this time, what have you learned about the terroir of Tecate and how would you describe the terroir to others? Noel Téllez: As
The Intelligence of Plants
We caught up with Alessandro Maule, from La Biancara, to find out more about his fascination with the intelligence of plants. See below for an English translation of the original text. Recentemente ho affrontato un tema della botanica che non avevo mai preso in considerazione prima ossia l’intelligenza delle
Recycling, Reusing and Sustainability
Hmmm, it’s been quite some time since I wrote about recycling and sustainability! In fact it was over 7 years ago since I last wrote anything about it! See these old posts if you like: * Recycling wine bottles (Nov 2009) * More recycling of wine bottles (Mar 2010) * Yellow alert

Understanding Fine Cider
Good cider is a much greater rarity than good wine – J.M. Trowbridge, New York, 1890 Cider at it’s simplest, is nothing but juice and time. Yet while the time span of long slow fermentations bring with it things of depth and complexity, the longer arc of time has

Talk Tea Like a Pro
By Jameel Lalani, Lalani & Co. Your wine skills are sharp. Perhaps with a palate-full from any bottle you can tell the grape, region and even the name of the chap who grew it. Most importantly, you know quality when you taste it. A wine merchant can’t pull the
Random thoughts on Georgia
By Alice Feiring (Wine Writer & Author) …There was scientist from Germany who was studying yeast. She made the oft parsed statement that a wine made with only native yeast will be more complex than with commercial, but it will be more problematic because the bad yeasts might take over.

Understanding Sake
Day 1 at RAW WINE is well under way and visitors seem to be having a ball, so we thought we’d keep you hooked by sharing a Q&A with Europe’s only importer of proper junmaishu sake. Have a read, and if it piques your curiosity, stop