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Totem Wines


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We work with growers from the undervalued parts of France and Italy, and also a few who are making their voice heard within the traditional regions of wine production. Many of these are eschewing their classification and this is often where we find the most exciting winemaking. Nevertheless, their wines could not be more typical, even if they are unconventional. Our list is small and producer-led. We spend as much time as possible with them to better understand what they’re trying to achieve in the vineyard. The grower is just as important as the grapes they yield; the people as authentic as the wines they make. Most work organically and some with the lunar calendar at hand; but all work hard in the vineyard to ensure, above all, healthy grapes, so there’s little need for more in the cellar. We are always looking for drinkability in these areas, wines which need not necessarily be drunk with food, but by their nature are a versatile and exciting accompaniment.
167 Holloway Road
London, N7 8LX
United Kingdom
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