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High Five L&B Co., Ltd.


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The moments of high five are always thrilling. We do high-five when a long-established project succeeds, when a team we support plays a dramatic turnaround, or when we welcome our teammates with a great home run. We want to resemble such a wonderful moment, so we made High Five L&B. High Five Beer aims to become a Natural wine Total Solution Company. It is a team made up of people who can show the charm of natural wine more fun and cool than anyone else. Specializing in online and offline retail, we propose various contents related to natural wine. We love the moment when new ideas collide. I like light bumps with other brands. We will provide you a great time to enjoy natural wine. Please raise one hand and approach slowly to us. We'll go to you with some great wine. Look forward to a cheerful bump with you. HIGH FIVE L&B High Five with You
Room301, 82, Hancheon-ro
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